2023 results (held in February 2023)

ENEX2023 47th Energy and Environment Exhibition
Organized by
The Energy Conservation Center, Japan
DER/Microgrid Japan2023 (Distributed Energy Resources / Microgrid Japan)
Organized by
JTB Communication Design Co., Ltd.
17th Renewable Energy World Exhibition & Forum (RENEWABLE ENERGY 2023)
Organized by
Renewable Energy Council
National Research and Development Corporation New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency
New Energy Foundation General Incorporated Foundation (scheduled)
Event theme Comprehensive Exhibition on Decarbonization and Energy Innovation
~GX and DX to reach the 2050 target~.

In order for Japan as a whole to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, new innovations as well as existing technologies are indispensable. For businesses, the promotion of "decarbonization" means creating new value for the company, and it is important to start by understanding the various initiatives, technologies, products, etc. in the world.

ENEX, the only comprehensive energy conservation exhibition in Japan, DER/Microgrid Japan, an exhibition for distributed energy and regional microgrids, and Renewable Energy World Exhibition & Forum, an exhibition to accelerate the introduction of renewable energy, will be held for the 47th time in Japan, and will be a comprehensive "decarbonization and energy innovation" exhibition including new technological innovations that will be strongly required in the future. As a "Comprehensive Exhibition for Energy Innovation," it will contribute to the achievement of the 2050 target in terms of both energy conservation and renewable energy.

In addition to the conventional booth exhibits, various seminars and lectures by experts and specialists will be held, as well as the introduction of examples of advanced initiatives, presentations of R&D results, and facility tours.
Period Wednesday, February 1, 2023 - Friday, February 3, 2023 10:00-17:00 Tokyo Big Sight East Halls 4 and 5 & Conference Building
December 1, 2022 (Thursday) - February 28, 2023 (Tuesday) Online (official website)
Venue (holding format) Tokyo Big Sight East 4th and 5th Halls & Conference Building + Online
<Exhibition hall layout>
Sponsored (ENEX) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry/Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism/Ministry of the Environment/Tokyo Metropolitan Government/Kanagawa Prefecture/Saitama Prefecture/Chiba Prefecture/Kawasaki City/Saitama City/Chiba City/New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) )/Independent Administrative Institution Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation Organization/Independent Administrative Institution Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)/Independent Administrative Institution New Energy Foundation (NEF)/Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry/TBS Television Inc./Fuji Television Inc./Nikkan Inc. Kogyo Shimbunsha/Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha Co., Ltd./Mainichi Shimbunsha Co., Ltd. (in no particular order)
Sponsored by (ENEX) Flat Glass Association/Urethane Foam Industry Association/ESCO/Energy Management Promotion Council/Extruded Polystyrene Foam Industry Association/Home Appliances Association/Glass Fiber Association/Transportation Ecology and Mobility Foundation/Cogeneration・Center for Advanced Energy Utilization/Industrial Environmental Management Association/Petroleum Energy Technology Center/Cement Association/Solar System Promotion Association/Research Institute of Earth Industries/Federation of Electric Power Companies/ Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association/Japan Electro-Heat Center/Japan Gas Association/Japan Industrial Furnace Association/Japan Sash Association/Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association/General Incorporated Foundation Japan Automobile Research Institute/Japan Consumers Association/Japan Lighting Industry Association/Japan Productivity Center/Japan Ceramics Association/Japan Heating Equipment Industry Association/Japan Chain Store Association/General Incorporated Association Japan Iron and Steel Federation/Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association/Japan Internal Combustion Power Generation Equipment Association/Japan Heat Supply Business Association/Japan Valve Industries Association/Japan Building Energy Comprehensive Management Technology Association/ Japan Fine Ceramics Association/Japan Boiler Association/Japan Land Internal Combustion Engine Association/Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers/Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association/Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Association/ Japan Analytical Instruments Association / Japan Robotics Association / New Office Promotion Association / Heat Pump and Heat Storage Center / Business Machinery and Information Systems Industry Association / Building Automation Association / Lock Wool Industry Association (in no particular order)
Co-host (RE) New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization/National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology/Japan Science and Technology Agency/New Energy Foundation
Sponsorship (RE) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry/Ministry of the Environment
Sponsor (RE) Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan / Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association / Petroleum Federation / Japan Gas Association / Japan Federation of Construction Contractors / Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association / Information and Communication Network Industry Association / Japan Federation of Water Industry Associations/Hydrogen Supply and Utilization Technology Association/Hydrogen Energy Association/Fuel Cell Development Information Center/National Institute for Environmental Studies/National Institute for Environmental Studies Port and Aviation Technology Research Institute Maritime Technology and Safety Research Institute/National Research and Development Corporation Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology Research Institute Port and Airport Technology Research Institute/National Research and Development Corporation International Research Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries/National Research and Development Corporation Agriculture and Food Industry Technology Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute/National Institute for Materials Science/Japan Energy and Metals National Institute/Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers/Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Japan Science and Technology Foundation/Japan Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Association/Japan Automobile Research Institute/World Energy Conservation Business Promotion Council/Research Organization of Innovative Technology for the Earth/Institute of Energy Engineering/ Institute of Energy Economics, Japan / Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry / The Energy Conservation Center, Japan Association / Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Center, Japan Weather Association / Solar Corporation, Japan System Promotion Association/Federation of Housing Production Associations/Japan Building Materials and Housing Facilities Industry Association/Housing and Building SDGs Promotion Center/Japan Institute of Architects/Geothermal Society of Japan/Japan Geothermal Association/ Geothermal Utilization Promotion Association (NPO)/Turbo Machinery Association/Hydraulic Academy/Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers/Japan Heat Island Society/Solar Power Generation Technology Research Association/Japan Wind Engineering Society/Wind Power National Council of Municipalities Promoting Power Generation/Alcohol Association of Japan/Japan Organic Resources Association/Japan LCA Society/Electrical Construction Industry Association/Ocean Energy Resource Utilization Promotion Organization/Japan Solar Energy Society/ Japan Wind Energy Society (in no particular order)
Special cooperation (RE) Takahashi Industrial and Economic Research Foundation/Sankei Shimbun Public Interest Incorporated Foundation

Decarbonization/Energy Innovation Comprehensive Exhibition “Three Structures”

At a time when society as a whole is undergoing transformation, ENEX will expand your company's business through events that cannot be experienced at other exhibition events, and will provide information that will help your customers (visitors) save energy, introduce renewable energy, and promote decarbonization. I will continue to do so.

Organized by

  • Energy Conservation Center Japan
  • JTB Communication Design Co., Ltd.
  • Renewable Energy Council
  • Sankei Shimbun

Accommodation information

  • Rurubu
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