Organized by
The Energy Conservation Center, Japan
JTB Communication Design Co., Ltd.

Energy saving for the future.
Decarbonize the Earth.

2025January 29​ ​[Wed] - 31[Fri]

Tokyo Big Sight East Halls 1 and 2 and Conference Tower


A comprehensive exhibition of innovative energy-saving and decarbonization technologies
This exhibition will create opportunities to encounter cutting-edge technologies and products that promote energy conservation, energy management, and carbon neutrality in order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

Like this ohWorryfruit Don't you have one?

  • I want to launch a new product, but I can't find a good opportunity.
  • I'm stuck on how to effectively expand my sales channels
  • I want to find a partner for product development, but I don't know how
  • Energy conservation is an issue
    Want to reach out to a wide range of industries and occupations
  • Public relations and sales promotion of energy-saving products are hitting a wall
An illustration

01Approach to manufacturing industries and facilities facing energy and power saving challenges

37% of visitors are from the manufacturing industry. Many of the visitors are decision makers and personnel involved in promoting energy conservation and carbon neutrality, such as company executives, factory managers, facility managers, and production managers.
In addition, owners of large commercial facilities, stores, and chain stores, as well as energy conservation promoters and facility managers, will be visiting the event with their energy conservation issues.

Main visitors
  • Corporate energy consumers (factories, facilities, etc.)
  • Construction industry
  • Electricity and gas companies
  • Trading companies and distributors
  • Housing Manufacturers

37% in manufacturing

02An ideal opportunity to propose solutions to the growing demand for "heat" countermeasures

As one step towards achieving the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, there is a growing need for efficient use and reuse of heat in all fields, including manufacturing.
Visitors to factories and facilities can propose unused heat, heat pumps, exhaust heat recovery, renewable energy heat utilization, insulation and heat shielding materials, etc. as "heat solutions" exhibits in the special exhibition.

Exhibit target
  • heat pump
  • Exhaust heat recovery equipment
  • Heat Source Control
  • Geothermal
  • Cogeneration
  • Unused heat utilization
  • Renewable energy heat utilization
  • Insulation and heat shielding materials
  • Heat exchanger
  • boiler
  • steam trap
  • Heat Recycling
  • Solar heat
  • Heating and cooling equipment
  • Consulting, etc.


03Experience-based proposals using actual equipment and demo displays

93.5% of visitors who came to consider purchasing specific exhibits went on to make the decision to purchase a product or adopt a technology.
While visitors can see the actual products and demo displays, you can promote sales by explaining product specifications and usage methods for implementation on the spot, and discussing quotes and delivery dates.


04Product PR and technical proposals to electricity and energy specialists

Approximately 25% of visitors are qualified as energy managers, electricians, or chief electrical engineers. This allows you to directly promote your electrical equipment and facilities and make technical proposals to electrical and energy specialists.

An illustration

How to apply

STEP01Request for information

An illustration

First, please request materials by clicking the button below "Request exhibitor materials."

STEP02 Hearing/Proposal

An illustration

Please tell us more about your company and the products and technologies you plan to exhibit. We will propose an appropriate plan.

STEP03Exhibitor application

An illustration

If you have any questions or requests regarding your application, please feel free to contact us.

Energy Conservation Center supporting members can exhibit at a special price! Please contact the secretariat to check the exhibition fee and detailed exhibition plan.

We will send you the materials you need to consider exhibiting!

sample image
  • Visitor analysis data on industry/occupation, etc.
  • Exhibition Highlights
  • Visitor Interest Trends
  • List of visitors (corporate energy consumers, etc.)
  • ENEX2025 Outline, exhibitor guidelines, etc.

free exhibit materialsRequest

Request information