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Logo data download

At this exhibition, we will provide logo data to the media and press. Please download and use from the link below.
It can be used in any medium such as websites, magazines, newspapers, etc.
We do not provide media such as CD-ROM.

If you receive a publication, please email us the URL of the publication page if it is on the web. In the case of printed materials, please send the magazine in which they are published.
Please note that the media you introduced will be included in the "Results Report" (distributed only to related parties) issued by the secretariat as a result of media coverage.
Please note that if the secretariat determines that the use of the data is inappropriate, we may refuse publication.
If you have any questions, please submit the manuscript to the secretariat for confirmation before publication.

Organized by

  • Energy Conservation Center Japan
  • JTB Communication Design Co., Ltd.
  • Renewable Energy Council
  • Sankei Shimbun

Accommodation information

  • Rurubu
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