Advantages of exhibiting

Exhibiting at this exhibition brings together the latest products and technologies in energy conservation, renewable energy, marine development, and resource conservation,
It is ideal for multifaceted marketing and expanding sales channels to other industries.


  • Energy-saving devices and equipment, energy management systems
  • Heat source control equipment and facilities
  • Energy services and solutions
  • Energy saving consultation, energy saving diagnosis
  • Decarbonization Solutions
  • Distributed energy systems, storage batteries, DR/VPP
  • Renewable energy technologies, equipment, facilities and systems
  • Marine development equipment, measurement and observation devices, offshore equipment and materials, consulting
  • Marine Robotics (ROVs, AUVs, etc.)
  • Marine renewable energy (offshore wind, wave power, etc.)
  • Water treatment and management technology, measuring equipment, maintenance


Negotiation Contents

  • Ordering and placing of products, services and solutions
  • Consulting on product, service and solution specifications, design and implementation
  • Business/Business Partnership
  • Consultation regarding social verification and implementation of research results
  • Sample Request
  • Request and consultation for quotation and delivery date
  • Co-creation of new businesses



  • Corporate energy consumers (factories, facilities, etc.) who have issues with energy conservation and decarbonization
  • Businesses and organizations considering entering the distributed energy and microgrid business
  • Businesses and organizations considering introducing renewable energy and business collaboration
  • Research institutes, university laboratories, businesses, industry groups, and marine constructors engaged in marine development
  • Businesses and organizations involved in marine renewable energy projects
  • Ocean research vessels, ship operators
  • Water treatment facilities, plant and factory design technology, facility management
  • Businesses and organizations considering new business ventures or new product/service development
  • Local governments


This exhibition will be attended by businesses and organizations that are promoting energy conservation and considering the introduction of renewable energy,
Professionals involved in marine development and marine resource development will be attending.
Many visitors come with decision-making power, making it possible to develop new customers and promote sales.

  • Top 3 industries of visitors: 63.4%
  • Visitors who are involved in product purchases and technology adoption decisions: 60.0%

Organized by by the Energy Conservation Center and Renewable Energy Council
This is a project unique to this exhibition, and we hope to attract highly interested visitors.
This allows for the right approach and communication.

  • thermal solutions
  • Award Corner
  • Site Visit (Advanced Technology Tour)
  • Specialized Seminars

Organized by

  • Energy Conservation Center Japan
  • JTB Communication Design Co., Ltd.
  • Renewable Energy Council
  • Sankei Shimbun

Accommodation information

  • Rurubu
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