Highlights of the event

Energy Innovation Exhibition
Participating Exhibitions
This exhibition consists of five exhibitions covering energy conservation, renewable energy, marine industry, and resource conservation.

Wednesday, January​ ​29, 2025 - Friday, January 31, 2025

Tokyo Big Sight East Halls 1 and 2 and Conference Tower

The only comprehensive energy conservation exhibition in Japan. Devices and equipment, energy management systems, and heat source measures to promote energy conservation and carbon neutrality in factories and facilities will be exhibited. In addition to energy conservation diagnosis and demand response, which are attracting increasing interest due to the revised Energy Conservation Act, you can also see exhibits related to GX and DX.
DER Microgrid Japan
This is a matching venue that connects the components necessary for distributed energy toward a decarbonized society. This is a specialized exhibition on "distributed energy" that displays the promotion of regional microgrids to strengthen resilience against natural disasters and the efforts of leading regions in decarbonization.
19th Renewable Energy World Exhibition & Forum
This is a comprehensive renewable energy exhibition where research and development, technologies, products, and services related to renewable energy are exhibited under one roof. Renewable energy devices and equipment essential for promoting carbon neutrality are on display, and technical consultations regarding their introduction are available.
Offshore Tech Japan
Towards the realization of Ocean Transformation, you can see exhibits related to the utilization of marine resources, such as business partnerships for marine development, ordering of marine equipment and offshore materials, and marine renewable energy development. The latest ROVs and AUVs, marine measuring equipment, offshore wind power consulting, sensing, and more are all on display.
The latest trends will be exhibited with a focus on case studies, including water treatment technologies that solve various water issues, management services, products related to energy saving and cost reduction, technology for recovering energy from wastewater, and even digitalization of water management using sensing and IoT.

Disclosure of exhibitor information,
Pre-registration for visitors is scheduled to begin on Monday, December 2nd.

Highlights of the event

1While looking at the demo exhibits and actual machines,
You can talk to exhibitors directly!

This exhibition is unique in that you can experience exhibitors' demonstrations all at once on themes such as energy conservation, renewable energy, marine, and water treatment!

You can efficiently visit the booths in the same area to compare and consider products. You can directly ask exhibitors questions about specific product specifications, technical consultations, and implementation requests.

You can also see special exhibits such as the "Award Corner" where the latest energy-saving and renewable energy products, technologies, and case studies are on display, the "Heat Solutions" where you can find solutions to heat-related issues, the "Academic Zone" where industry-government-academia collaboration is paving the way for GX, and the "SDGs Zone" which introduces efforts to make the most of renewable energy technologies.


2 A place for unexpected discoveries
Participate in seminars and facility tours!

At the exhibition, you can visit exhibitors' booths and ask questions and consult with industry professionals, which will allow you to discover new things and potential issues. In addition, the exhibition will hold specialized seminars every day, where industry leaders will explain the latest in technology and trends. There will also be a Site Visit (advanced technology tour) where you can experience cutting-edge sites and technologies, which you can participate in along with your visit to the exhibition.


3 On the website before the exhibition starts
Access to exhibitors!

This exhibition is scheduled to release exhibitor information on its official website from December. You can download exhibitor product catalogs, view promotional videos, and check the details of the booths you want to see at the exhibition venue in advance. You can also use the chat function to casually ask questions to exhibitors.


Results of the previous event

Venue access

Organized by

  • Energy Conservation Center Japan
  • JTB Communication Design Co., Ltd.
  • Renewable Energy Council
  • Sankei Shimbun

Accommodation information

  • Rurubu
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